
Let’s Bust Some Beauty Myths …

Squeaky Clean Skin Is Really Clean

It isn't, squeaky clean skin is stripped, dehydrated and most likely irritated. If your bubbly, foaming soap or shower gel or cleanser leaves your skin squeaky, tight or red it's doing much more harm than good. Instead look for non foaming rinse off cleansing creams, balms and lotions, team with a muslin in cloth and you won't need as much moisturiser afterwards.


You Need A Neck Cream

You don't. Why is the skin on your neck any different to the skin on your face? Neck creams and jaw creams are marketing hype. If a cream could help you defy gravity we wouldn't need rocket fuel to get a man into space we would just strap neck cream to his feet. Instead use your cleanser, serum and moisturiser down into your neck and chest.


You Can Shrink Your Pores

You can't, sadly. Your pore size is determined by your genes and skin type. The oiler your skin the larger your pores. You can clean and empty your pores to make them look less visible and use a blurring serum to hide them temporarily, but nothing will magically shrink your pores. Lasers which are expensive that tighten collagen which can make pores tighten, especially if you have scarred post acne skin that is pockmarked. But no cosmetic can do that for you. To make pores empty use a salicylic acid toner like the Clinique Clarifying Toner for Sensitive Skin, which is alcohol free.


Sleeping In Your Makeup Will Age Your Skin

It won't, it might clog your pores, irritate your eyes and ruins your pillow cases but it won't age your skin. If you do, and we all do occasionally, sleep in your makeup, just be sure to double cleanse in the morning to make up for it. I would recommends a Clarisonic cleansing brush for anyone who wears a lot of makeup anyway and especially the morning after sleeping in your makeup, as it uses sonic waves to flush trapped makeup from your pores.


Glass Jars Of Cream Are The Best

They aren't as the contents are exposed to the air, sunlight and your grubby fingers. Instead serious effective skincare should come in an airtight, opaque pump action bottle, tube or container. The most proven, effective active ingredients degrade when exposed to air, so savvy skin care shoppers buy their anti ageing skincare in pump applicators that are also dose measured so you don't overuse them.


Sulphate Free Shampoos Are Better For Coloured Hair

There is no evidence this is true. Your hair dye fades because it oxidizes in sunlight and washes out over time no matter what shampoo you use.