
Celebrity Skin Secrets

Shhhh! Come closer I have a secret to share – celebrities do NOT have perfect skin all over their bodies. I know this because I interview the experts who work on them and they often rely on body makeup. MAC started the trend way, way back when they launched their iconic Face & Body makeup, a liquid tinted moisturiser that you can use all over. They were ahead of the game because they supplied so many makeup artists backstage at catwalk shows and, let’s be honest, even models need to cover the odd bruise, ingrown hair, shaving nick or stretch mark.

Now there is a whole range of body perfecting lotions available and if you haven’t tried one you should. The best contain moisturisers naturally, but also soft focus particles that give an airbrush effect to skin and tinted pigments to conceal imperfections. I can say without hesitation that Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, who had her makeup man Scott Barnes create one just for her, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Rihanna and Kate Beckinsale use them.

They are often called skin finishing lotions but think of them as BB creams for your body – tinted moisturiser with a blemish blurring effect that you can use all over. I have three favourites; Prtty Peaushun comes in five shades, is a favourite of Cate Blanchet and of Gwyneth Paltrow who was introduced to it by her good friend and trainer Tracy Anderson. It was developed by a Hollywood makeup artist Bethany Karlyn. Perfekt Beauty Body Perfection Gel in three shades is Rhianna’s favourite, This Works Legs Skin Miracle works just as well on arms, chests and faces and this summer’s all round skin blurring winner was undoubtedly VitaLiberata Body Blur.

Caught short without one I will mix my body lotion 60:40 with my foundation in the palm of my hand and use on my legs. But be sure to choose a shade of foundation darker than your every day one (maybe the one you use in summer) as your body will usually be darker than your face. In fact this is a great way to use up too dark bases, bought by accident and kept at the back of your makeup cupboard.

Why am I telling you about these little miracle workers just as you are about to dust off your trousers, winter woollies and opaque tights? Because before you know it you will want to get your legs and arms out for the party season – and that’s when you can thank me.